Small Group

With our small-group workshops, people meet for six weeks, once a week for 2.5 hours, except the Workplace Chronic Disease Self-Management workshop, which meets 12 weeks, twice a week for 1 hour.  The sessions are highly interactive, focusing on building skills, sharing experiences and support. All programs are led by a team of trained leaders.  We offer a range of programs in both English and Spanish.  For more information on any program, click on the titles below.

We strongly urge you to download and read the SMRC Implementation and Fidelity Manual if you are considering one of our programs.


Our programs help people gain self-confidence in their ability to control their symptoms, and control how their health problems affect their lives. They have been rigorously evaluated and found to be effective tools to help people with chronic health conditions


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Organizations search tips

Click on the "Sponsoring LICENSED organizations legal name" field and find your organization in the dropdown loaded.

When the dropdown is opened you can type some letters in your keyboard to filter the list by organization name.

If you cannot find your organization legal name keep the field empty and follow the instructions or send a message to the admininstrators staff.
