Training Fees

Web-Based Trainings

Leader Training

SMRC will offer virtual Leader Training when there is a demand.   We accept up to 12 people in a training.

  • $1,000 per person or $11,000 for 12 people from the same licensed organization.

Master Training

SMRC offer virtual Master Training only to Leaders who have given two workshops, one of which is a virtual workshop.  We accept up to 12 people in a training.  Master training is offered only by SMRC.

  • $1,200.00 per person.

Master Trainer Certification for Virtual Leader Training

All Master Trainers who were trained in the 4.5 day in-person mode must take this training to obtain certification to facilitate virtual Leader trainings, cross-training and update trainings for any of the SMRC self-management programs.   Master Trainers trained virtually do not need to take this training.

  • $400.00 per person


  • $500 for Chronic Pain Self-Management Program (CPSMP)
  • $500 for Diabetes Self-Management Program (DSMP) or Programa de Manejo Personal de la Diabetes (Spanish DSMP)
  • $100 for Tomando control de su salud
  • $400 for Aging Well with HIV (HIV)
  • $400 for Cancer Thriving & Surviving (CTS)
  • $500 for Building Better Caregivers (BBC)
  • $100 for Workplace Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (wCDSMP)

*   Unless Master Trainers are cross-trained in conjunction with a CDSMP or Tomando in-person Master Training, they must be cross-trained via SMRC webinar.

  • NOTE: A 50% reduced fee will be applied for cross-training of Peer Leaders.

Refresher Trainings

  • $100 fee per Peer Leader for a Leader Refresher training – $150 as of Jan 1 2024
  • $50 fee per Master Trainer for Refresher Orientation webinar.  Master Trainers must take refresher orientation via SMRC webinar.

Update Trainings

We update our existing programs every few years. When we update an existing program, we offer web-based update training for those who are already trained in that program. Master Trainers must take an update training via SMRC webinar.

  • $200
  • NOTE: A 50% reduced fee will be applied for update training of Peer Leaders.

In-Person Training at SMRC

  • All SMRC training is delivered virtually using Zoom video webinars. SMRC does not offer in-person training.

Training at Your Location

Read Our Refund Policy

NOTE:  There is an extra $30 fee for payment by wire transfer.

Contact us for more information


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Organizations search tips

Click on the "Sponsoring LICENSED organizations legal name" field and find your organization in the dropdown loaded.

When the dropdown is opened you can type some letters in your keyboard to filter the list by organization name.

If you cannot find your organization legal name keep the field empty and follow the instructions or send a message to the admininstrators staff.
