Program Training

Training is required before any organization offers SMRC programs.  Our programs are heavily process-based and cannot be delivered effectively without training.  SMRC offers web-based trainings via Zoom.

Virtual Leader Trainings (for new Leaders)

  • Chronic Disease Self-Management Program
  • Tomando Control de su Salud

Virtual Master Trainings (for new Master Trainers)

Master trainings are generic, which means that they are skills-based and applicable to any SMRC program.  Anyone wishing to take master training must be a certified Leader before attending.


Training for our flagship program, the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP), or its Spanish counterpart, Tomando Control de su Salud, is required before any training for additional programs. This gives the trainees the foundation for effective process.

  • Tomando Control de su Salud (Spanish CDSMP)
  • Diabetes Self-Management
  • Programa de Manejo Personal de la Diabetes (Spanish DSMP)
  • Chronic Pain Self-Management
  • Cancer: Thriving and Surviving
  • Positive Self-Management (HIV)
  • Building Better Caregivers
  • Workplace Chronic Disease Self-Management

Update Training

SMRC offers update training when a program is revised.  There are no update trainings at this time.


zoom screen of training


Leader Refresher Training

  • For Leaders
  • For Master Trainers wishing to facilitate Leader Refresher trainings

Free Informational Webinars

See our Calendar for any scheduled Informational Webinars

Current fees for various trainings

To see and register for training, go to our Calendar

Contact us for more information about training


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Organizations search tips

Click on the "Sponsoring LICENSED organizations legal name" field and find your organization in the dropdown loaded.

When the dropdown is opened you can type some letters in your keyboard to filter the list by organization name.

If you cannot find your organization legal name keep the field empty and follow the instructions or send a message to the admininstrators staff.
