Issue a new License
To create a new license we need to know some information about you and your sponsoring organization
Apply nowThe Self-Management Resource Center is the sole provider of licenses for SMRC programs. There are two types of licenses: one for Nonprofit and Public Agencies and one for Private and Public Companies. All licenses are for 3 years. All licenses permit use of all SMRC Programs only if you have trained Leaders to facilitate workshops.
To create a new license we need to know some information about you and your sponsoring organization
Apply nowAll nonprofit organizations and public agencies, small or large, that will be offering workshops or Leader training for any of the SMRC Programs must have a license. The following applies to nonprofit organizations and public agencies that want to offer workshops or training for any of the Self-Management Programs from SMRC. If your organization is a hybrid, a combination of non-profit and private, you must contact SMRC prior to entering into a license agreement.
If you need to purchase additional workshops, you may do so at the prevailing rate, which is $40 per workshop.
If you need to purchase additional Leader trainings, you may do so at the prevailing rate, which is either:
The pricing quoted above only applies if you take your license online via the website and sign the license agreement as is. If you require any modification, negotiation or customization, there will be a handling fee between $250 and $1000 in addition to the license fee above. For more information, contact
How to Upgrade a Single-Agency License
If you are interested in an umbrella license, contact
If your agency would like to include multiple agencies under an umbrella license, and be legally responsible for use, fidelity, compliance, reporting and liability for use of the content under the terms of your license, you may choose from the following:
If you need to purchase additional workshops, you may do so at the prevailing rate, which is $40 per workshop
If you need to purchase additional Leader trainings, you may do so at the prevailing rate:
All covered agencies must be named on the license and agencies added or deleted after the issue of the license must be reported to SMRC.
All companies, small or large, that will be offering workshops or Leader training for any of the SMRC Programs must have a license. The following applies to private and public companies that want to offer or sponsor workshops or training for any of the SMRC Self-Management Programs. “Company” is defined as any entity formed for profit (corporation, LLC, LLP, sole proprietorship, etc). These licenses are for a single company; there are no umbrella licenses for companies. If your company is a hybrid, a combination of nonprofit and private, you must contact SMRC prior to entering into a license agreement.
For this license, you may deliver workshops or Leader training at various sites. However, your organization must:
To discuss a license for Private and Public Companies, contact, or phone 1-650-242-8040 Ext 406.
NOTE: There is an additional $30 fee for payments by wire transfer.
We strongly urge you to download and read the SMRC Implementation and Fidelity Manual, especially if you are new to our programs.
Download a Sample Single Agency License
Questions? Contact
To create a new license we need to know some information about you and your sponsoring organization
Apply nowClick on the "Sponsoring LICENSED organizations legal name" field and find your organization in the dropdown loaded.
When the dropdown is opened you can type some letters in your keyboard to filter the list by organization name.
If you cannot find your organization legal name keep the field empty and follow the instructions or send a message to the admininstrators staff.