Looking for a workshop?

All organizations that hold licenses to host any of the Self-Management Resource Center programs are listed in a comprehensive online directory run by the Evidence Based Leadership Collaborative (EBLC).  The directory includes both US and international programs.To find a workshop, go the the EBLC Map of Programs.  Use the “SELECT PROGRAMS” button and check the box for the self management program you are seeking.  You can search by zip code to find the program nearest you!  You can also search for international locations.

Please note you are leaving the SMRC website and the EBLC site will open in a new window.


Organizations search tips

Click on the "Sponsoring LICENSED organizations legal name" field and find your organization in the dropdown loaded.

When the dropdown is opened you can type some letters in your keyboard to filter the list by organization name.

If you cannot find your organization legal name keep the field empty and follow the instructions or send a message to the admininstrators staff.
